Althea Fera Wellness Origin Story


Have you ever sat in the doctor’s office waiting for them to tell you the answer to why you’ve been feeling so terrible lately, only to receive a response like… “Well, you don’t have cancer.”, “We all get pains as we get older.”, or “Just take Motrin.” Thanks so much doc! You’ve been so helpful! I actually came in for answers or at least some kind of direction. OR another favorite, “come back in when it gets worse.” What in the actual heck!? I came in because it was affecting me a lot and you want me to wait till it gets worse!?

I started discovering pretty early in my adult life that the mainstream medicine system in the good old U S of A is good for some things, but not so helpful for many, many other things. Our diagnostic tools can be so helpful, our emergency medicine is great. Thousands of lives are saved by our emergency medicine. To me, there’s a time and place for the SAM (standard American medical model) and a time and place for CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine).

Our SAM is pigeonholed between the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry. Trapping people in small diagnostic categories, while your power is taken away and given to the “all knowing doctors.” “Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors. Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 440,000. Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.” (CNBC) It’s time that we (SAM and CAM) work together to use the best of both worlds.

Althea Fera Wellness was started to help people bridge the gap to their own healing. I was sick of being in pain and being exhausted. I was tired of being told there’s nothing they can do and I would just have to deal with it. Each time I was told to just power through, I went and did my own searching. I took my health into my own hands and found people doing amazing work that helped me create a pathway to my own healing journey. I found yoga, massage therapy, meditation, herbal medicine, nutrition, Functional Medicine, Traditional Healing Modalities, and more. Through yoga and meditation I find inner peace, strength, and stability. Through massage I have treated my chronic, debilitating nerve pain. With nutrition I give my body the raw materials it needs to thrive. Through a combination of modalities, I’m learning and relearning to process trauma. And now through the health coaching, somatic psychology, and books I keep pouring over, I’m learning more and more to help guide myself and others on their path to wellbeing. My path wasn’t always smooth, but I’ve learned to just take it as a sign that I’m either not on MY path or I’m just carving the next steps in my journey.

I’m taking all that I learn and working to bundle it together in a web of knowledge that I can share with other. My passion for learning and sharing is why I keep searching. My vision of helping others have access to support, education, and wellbeing is why I started Althea Fera. I was so upset with the system that leaves people behind and shoves people aside when they decide to listen to their bodies over a medical professional (that only talked to them for 5 minutes.) I created Althea Fera, so that everyone can return to Wild Healing.


Journaling for self discovery


Corrective Exercise and Somatics